Central to the religious life of the school is the person of Jesus Christ who came among us ‘as one who serves’ (Luke 22.27). Our Catholic school is committed to reaching out to help those in need, through charitable outreach initiatives. All outreach activities connect to the person of Jesus Christ and to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Drawing on the Catholic Social Teaching of the Church, we have a deep commitment to supporting a range of charitable organisations, families and individuals in need.
The college is one of Australia’s oldest educational establishments. Five different religious orders have been involved in its operation. The Christian Brothers have been charged with stewardship of the college since 1911 under the charism of their founder Blessed Edmund Rice.
The college caters for a wide range of abilities and interests. It has a strong tradition of social action based on Catholic values. There is a strong representation of older students and staff in Edmund Rice house and other Catholic social justice initiatives such as St Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP) activities, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and numerous school-wide charitable collections.
The college has strong commitment to those less fortunate and needy in society. The college provides financial support through its Lenten Appeal, supporting Caritas Australia, supporting the work of the SVDP Society, and as other catholic outreach agencies throughout the school year. The college actively supports the Matthew Talbot Hostel assisting on Monday and Thursday on a voluntary basis.
The college community is committed to experiences of daily communal prayer evident at assemblies, in year group meetings, staff meetings and before the start of each lesson. The college has strong relationship with the Order of the Christian Brothers; the charism of the order permeates the spiritual and religious life of the college. These experiences of faith enable our young men to reflect on their journey with Christ so that they develop their sense of love, compassion, mercy and justice for all those they meet.